Hi-Mar Striper Club Presents
Hi-Mar /Baker’s Marina on the Bay
Family Fishing Tournament
Saturday, July 16th 2011
Fishing on July 16th No lines in before 7am
Weigh-in 3pm-4:30pm – Baker’s Marina on the Bay
Fish may be hand-carried to the weigh-in.
3 fish weigh-in of all in-shore species
Hi-Mar interclub formula will be used:
1st Place Trophy to the highest scoring Hi-Mar member
1st Place Trophy to the highest scoring member of Baker‘s Marina on the Bay
Young Angler Award for the largest live release sea robin
Entry forms can be picked up at the Marina Office
Awards & Family Picnic 5 pm - 9pm
Baker’s Marina on the Bay
1 Marina Bay Court, Highlands, NJ
Please bring your own beverages and any items you wish to contribute.
Phone: Captain Jerry Beaver @ 732-687-5272